Friday, December 12, 2008


A faint but discernable dividing line separates achievers from dreamers.  At first glance this line may be difficult to distinguish. You may be tricked into believing that talent or athleticism draw the line between the doers and dreamers. 

However, if you spent a significant length of time with a group of doers, the line splitting the achievers from the dreamers would become crystal clear.

What makes the difference?  Attitude.  Achievers have a can-do attitude that sets them apart from mere dreamers.  Achievers are sold out to success -- no matter the obstacles -- and they are willing to put forth the effort and pay the price of success.

There are four types of athletes:

Cop-Outs: These athletes set no goals.

Hold-Outs: These athletes have beautiful dreams, but they are afraid to respond to challenges because they lack the self-confidence to overcome difficulties.

Drop-Outs: These athletes clearly define their goals, and, in the beginning, they work hard to make their dreams come true.  However, when the going gets tough, they quit.

All-Outs: These are the stars.  They want to shine bright and they are usually an inspiration to others.  Once all-outs have set their goals, they never quit.  Even when the price gets high and the challenges mount, they’re dedicated.

Their can-do attitudes carry them to greatness.


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