Sunday, December 14, 2008


"In basketball and in life, I have always maintained the philosophy of 'next play.'  Essentially, what it means is that whatever you have just done is not nearly as important as what you are doing right now.

The 'next play' philosophy emphasizes the fact that the most important play of the game or life moment on which you should always focus is the next one.  

It is not about the turnover I committed last time down the court, it's not even about the three-pointer I hit to tie the game, it is about what's next.  To waste time lamenting a mistake or celebrating a success is distracting and can leave you and your team unprepared for what you are about to face.  

It robs you of the ability to do your best at that moment and to give your full concentration.  It's why I love basketball.  Plays happen with rapidity and there may be no stop-action.  Basketball is a game that favors the quick thinker and the person who can go on to the next play the fastest."

From "Beyond Basketball: Coach K's Keywords For Success"
By Mike Krzyzewski

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