Friday, December 19, 2008


As a coach at UCLA, John Wooden put together a 23-point list called the "Bruin Attitude."  Here are a few of Coach Wooden's rules that would apply to every team he ever coached:

-- Huddle up as a team on free throws
-- Run to the bench when substituted for
-- Run to timeouts
-- Run to the locker room
-- Never quit on a play
-- No poor body language
-- Root for your teammates while on bench
-- Attitude of gratitude – say “thank you”
-- Look people in the eye when communicating
-- Be humble in victory, gracious in defeat
-- Keep the locker room clean

What may be most interesting is what Coach Wooden called his list.  “It's not the "Bruin Rules," but the "Bruin Attitude."  It's part of the culture.  It's how we do things here.”


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