Saturday, December 20, 2008


Good players understand the importance and value of both ‘squaring-up’ and being ‘on-balance’ on offense, in order to give yourself as many options as possible.

It makes your defender “freeze” and step back trying to anticipate which option (driving left or right, jump shot, pass) you are going to choose.  Quick reminder... ALL options are possible if you are ‘on-balance’ and ‘squared-up.’

With that in mind, how do you think you should defend your man?

Knowing that being able to ‘square-up’ gives the offensive player multiple options, your goal as a defender should be to try to limit their options and thus take away the ‘square-up’ as often as you can.  

How do you do this?

First, always try to deny your opponent the ball as aggressively as you can.  By denying the passing lane to your opponent, they are often forced to receive a pass without getting ‘squared-up’ as they receive it, and further from the hoop than they probably want to be.  This allows you to defend more aggressively and not be put on the “defensive” (I know…bad pun!).

Once your opponent has the ball, try to immediately turn her in the direction she doesn’t want to go.  You should always notice (early in the game) which hand your opponent prefers to dribble with, and unless you are trying to force her in that direction and into help-defense, always force her to her weak side.  For 90% of players, that will be to her left. 

By taking away the lane your opponent is trying to pass or dribble to, you can force her to turn one direction or the other, or even better, to turn her back to you completely to prevent you from stripping her of the ball.  By turning or forcing your opponent one direction or another, and then turning them again and again, you take away her chance to ‘square-up.’

Good basketball players know that getting ‘squared-up’ is the key to successful playmaking.  Since you know this, it should be your mission on defense to take that option away from your opponent.


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