Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TODAY is the most important day of my life.

Yesterday with its successes and victories, struggles and failures is gone forever... the past is past... Done... Finished.

I cannot relive it. I cannot go back and change it. But I will learn from it and improve my TODAY.

TODAY. This moment... NOW!
It is God’s gift to me and it is all that I have.

Tomorrow with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and troubles isn’t here yet.

Indeed, tomorrow may never come. Therefore, I will not worry about tomorrow.

TODAY is what God has entrusted to me. It is all that I have. I will do my best in it.
I will demonstrate the best of me in it —
my character, giftedness, and abilities —
to my family and friends and teammates.

I will identify those things that are most important to do TODAY,
and those things I will do until they are done.

And when this day is done I will look back with satisfaction at that which I have accomplished.

Then and only then, will I plan my tomorrow.
Looking to improve upon TODAY, with God’s help.

Then I shall go to sleep in peace... content.

By Dale Witherington
Taken from John Maxwell’s Today Matters
(thanks coach Starkey)

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