Friday, August 21, 2009


There's nothing more demoralizing to an offense than being forced into taking rushed and hurried shots that end up missing. In struggling to bring the ball up court against defensive pressure. In facing such aggressive defensive pressure that it makes each ball handler so nervous when they have the ball that they would rather not have the ball.

On Defense:
  • You can’t give up easy points in transition (fast breaks).
  • You must always play to stop the ball, not to stop your man.
  • You must understand it’s not “me vs. my man” but it’s “us vs. them.”
  • You can’t commit dumb fouls (like reaching-in or while a player is in the act of shooting).
  • You must force the ball handler into situations they’re uncomfortable with or haven’t practiced for.
Some players grasp these concepts and others don't. And those who don't are never as successful as those who do.


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