Sunday, August 16, 2009


Most analyst attribute Toyota success to its strategy of "Kaizen",which is Japanese for "continuous improvement."

Kaizen is a concept that they consider so important that they have created a specific discipline for it. This discipline covers all areas of organizational improvement. Kaizen is based on the principles of questioning everything, never being satisfied and always looking at every single part of a team to find improvement.

Not a single day should go by without some kind of improvement being made somewhere in the team.

Everything can and should be improved.

Don't just criticize, suggest an improvement.

Think beyond common sense. Challenge assumptions. Even if something is working, try to find the ways to make it work even better. Ask searching questions.

Think of how to improve it instead of why it can't be improved.

The Kaizen concept can and should be applied to your game. There are plenty of areas within your game that need improvement and can be worked on daily. Get a piece of paper and make a list of five things (parts of your game) that you want to get better at. Then write down beside each of the five, what you can do (specifically do) daily to improve that area of your game.


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