Monday, August 31, 2009


In order to keep your body's gas tank full and maintain a high level of energy, eating every 3-4 hours will prevent your body from using muscle (protein) for energy and instead, burn fat. Additional benefits include maintaining a healthy blood sugar, prevention of overeating, and maintaining lean muscle mass.

Skipping meals (going more than 4 hours without eating) causes the body to use muscle for energy which increases body fat and impairs performance. Have a plan by bringing healthy snacks to school to eat between meals, after practice, or lifting. Try some of the following snacks:

Peanut Butter or Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread

1 Scoop of Whey Protein with low fat milk

Handful of nuts with Fresh fruit

Nutrition Bar (any around 200 calories with at least 10-15 grams of Protein)

Fresh Fruit with a piece of low fat string cheese

Lean Beef Jerky (2-3 ounces) with fresh fruit

You've been hearing this for years from your parents, teachers, and coaches. They got it right. Not only is breakfast the most important meal, it could be the biggest mistake if you decide not to eat it. What time was your last meal the previous night? If your last meal was 9:00 or 10:00 pm, going until 12:00 pm the next day results in 14-15 hours of fasting. Remember what happens when we skip meals? Now you're in continuous muscle burning mode.

Now combine skipping breakfast and you will see the negative impact it has on performance. Doing so increases the risk of you eating larger portions at night when you are less active, promoting the storage of body fat and the potential for weight gain. Start the morning with a well rounded breakfast (egg whites, oatmeal, whole grain cereal, fresh fruit, 100% juice, whole wheat toast). If you have an early morning lifting session and have trouble eating whole food, take 1 scoop of whey protein with water or low fat milk and a piece of fresh fruit to activate your muscle tissue.

(thx coach Starkey)

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