Sunday, November 9, 2008


Almost all fakes (good ones) work great in games, and there is a very good reason why.  Most players, even a lot of good ones, don’t fake, or at least not very often.  As a result, very few defenders have had the opportunity to react to fakes, so when they meet one in a game, they fall for it and get faked out.

The most important rule on faking is….”use fakes.”  Need this be further emphasized?

The biggest mistake players make when faking is to think they have to get through the fake quickly and get on to their real purpose – their move to the basket.  And the result is a poor, unconvincing fake.  
Defenders have to have time to go for your fake.  If you snap the ball up & down too quickly to fake your shot and then try and drive, the defender never has time to react to the shot fake and thus they never lunge forward or upward and get out of position and off-balance.

The goal isn’t to just give your defender a fake….the goal is to give them a good enough fake that they lunge and take themselves out of good defensive position before you make your move.


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