Saturday, October 18, 2008

What Type Are You?

I recently read that there are three types of people in the world…


A FLOATER is a person who drifts through life taking things in, going with the current, sharing in success and failure, but seldom determining their own fate.  They spend endless amounts of energy positioning themselves to share in success.  They can often avoid failure, but the success they achieve cannot possibly be personally rewarding.

Success without a sense of personal accomplishment isn’t success at all.  It is merely positioning yourself to be part of the success.

Below the FLOATER’S are the FLEE-ER’S.  

A FLEE-ER will run from both challenge and opportunity alike.  A FLEE-ER is usually the first to cast blame, definitely the first to make excuses or to point a finger when things do not go their way.  They are too scared to fight for an opportunity, and too prideful to admit that the cause of failure was their fault.

Alone, a FLEE-ER is fairly harmless to anyone but themselves.  It is when they latch on to a FLOATER that they begin to have a meaningful impact.  A FLEE-ER will bring down a FLOATER.  

FLEE-ER’S believe that misery needs company.

A FLEER-ER’S worst nightmare is to be compared to a FIGHTER.

A FLEE-ER and a FIGHTER are the opposite ends of the spectrum of self-determination. 

FLEE-ERS have a habit of blaming their circumstances.   FIGHTERS are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, they make them.

A FIGHTER is a person that will succeed.  A FIGHTER is a person with a direction.  A FIGHTER is what each of you should constantly challenge yourself to be.

What sets a FIGHTER apart is simple to describe, difficult to maintain, yet vital for success both in basketball as well as in your personal life.

What sets a FIGHTER apart is they have a goal…a dream…a vision.

FIGHTERS also have character, determination and resolve.

Character, determination and resolve will help you stand fast as a FIGHTER, to step above the FLOATER and to surge beyond the grasp of the FLEE-ER.

Now, basketball is probably the ultimate team game.  Everyone has a role and everyone is striving for the same goals and those goals are clear.  They stand at either end of the court.  The goals are always 10-foot high; they are always in the same place at the end of the floor.

The goals create energy.  The goals create excitement.  The goals create something to strive for.

FIGHTERS will never fail.  

FLEE-ERS will always fail.

FLOATERS will just go with flow, whether it be success or failure, but rarely do they make an impact that leads to success.

Change and challenges never end whether on the court or in life.  Each day you need to get up and decide what kind of person you are because each day is an opportunity to either succeed or fail.


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