Friday, October 24, 2008


Simple assignment today, grasshoppers.

Watch this video 5 times.  Then send me your list of reasons (if you dare) why you think you
can't be a great shooter, or fulfill any other dream you have.

Truth is... you are a Superman waiting to happen.

Start using your imagination to create the future you want, instead of looking at where you are now or what you messed up in the past.

Don't ever pass up the opportunity to build the habit of success and winning in your mind.  It will always pay off.

You'll find yourself discovering corrections to your stroke.  You'll notice great shooters and find better ways to emulate them.  You'll ask for help and look for the information you need.
Think of it like a puzzle which only you can solve.

Quit looking for reasons why you can't do it and start using the tools God has given you.


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