Thursday, October 30, 2008


“Before our eyes one incident took place which we thought most remarkable and which I ought to mention.  Standing in front of the town gate was a Gaul soldier [enemy of Rome] who took lumps of tallow and pitch [flammable material] as they were handed to him and threw them into the fire that was burning near one of our towers.  

He was struck in the right side by an arrow from a catapult and fell down dead.  Another man standing nearby stepped over the prostrate body and went on with the job.  He too was killed in the same way by a shot from a catapult; then his place was taken by a third man, who in turn was followed by a fourth; indeed, that position was never abandoned until the fire on the terrace was put out by our soldiers.”


Even Ceasar could appreciate the teamwork and comittment shown by his enemy.

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