Friday, January 2, 2009


Much of what we do is habit, from brushing our teeth to which shoe we put on first.  Changing habits isn’t easy. But if you reflect on how your life is now, how you got to where you are now, you should be able to get a picture of how your life will likely be next month if you continue without change.

It’s the same with regard to your basketball habits.

You need to evaluate where you are right now and then think about where you want to be at this same time next month.  Are there habits you have that need to change? 

The whole purpose of reflecting on your current situation, is to discover what isn’t working and what needs to change.  But don’t jump to conclusions and decide on a plan of action without analysis.  You must first ask yourself the WHY question:  

For example, if you are struggling at the FT line, you must ask yourself “WHY am I struggling?”

It’s unrealistic to think you can instantly become a better FT shooter if you do not fully understand WHY you are struggling in the first place.  It’s easy to say “I’m struggling at the line.”  Heck, just about anyone in the gym can recognize when a player is struggling at the line, but it’s much more difficult to identify the exact habit that is causing you to struggle.  And you must identify the habit that is causing the srtuggle before you can hope to change it.  Is it in your shot form? Is it in your release?  Is it in your mind?

Part of  problem solving is being honest with yourself and asking for help when you need it and being open to altering your habits.  If nothing changes, where will you be this time next month….next year?


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