Thursday, September 3, 2009


Time your Nutrients for Greater Muscle Gains and Recovery

The timing of nutrients, especially protein and carbohydrates, are extremely important to repair damaged muscle tissue caused by an intense workouts and games.

Having a combination of protein and carbs immediately post workout can improve muscle recovery by 250% as opposed to not consuming calories. You have a small window of opportunity after your workout to optimize recovery so be sure to grab a shake or eat a meal within 30-60 minutes. Waiting longer than 2 hours after your workout to refuel your body causes your body to breakdown more protein than it will rebuild.

A ratio of 3 or 4:1 grams of carbohydrate to protein has been proven to facilitate protein synthesis (muscle repair) and the refueling of glycogen (your body's gas tank). Here are some convenient post workout options to ensure recovery is acheived.

Chocolate Milk - Milk protein contains the amino acid Leucine, which is the mostimportant Amino Acid to promote muscle protein synthesis

20-30 Grams of Whey Protein + Sports Drink

Muscle Milk Collegiate Ready to Drink Shake with a banana

Balanced Meal (Lean Protein, Complex Carbohydrates, Fruit, Veggies)

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