Sunday, September 13, 2009

3 Leadership Traits Players Can Develop

How many times throughout your basketball career have you heard coaches talk about needing team leaders? Too often, players are eager to be that leader, yet so few players understand what the coach is hoping to get from them.

Team leaders must be:

1. Hardest Workers: The best leaders are the hardest workers. In conditioning, in drills, in scrimmages, in everything. They lead by example by going all out in everything the team does and always treating each thing with respect. They often will show up early to practice and be ready when it’s time to start. They set the pace and example through their work ethic and their attitude and try to subtly influence other players into doing what they should be doing… without being bossy about it. It’s a balancing act that takes a little time to get used to.

2. Motivational: The best leaders bring out the best in the other players by challenging them and motivating them when the situation calls for it. This doesn’t mean that they scream and yell all the time but it does mean that they can pull someone aside and talk to them to get them going the right direction. The key to motivation is to convince the player to achieve what you think they should, without them realizing that you’re pushing them hard to get them there.

3. Coach on the floor: This one is key because each coach wants that player on the court who can bring out what the coach wants. The coach doesn’t want to have to motivate all the time when the leaders of the team should be the ones keeping everyone in check. The coach on the floor is the girl who backs what the coach wants and puts the team first despite the individual success. These players are referred to as self-sacrificing because of the personal stuff they give up for the good of the team. But their sacrifice is the reason the team succeeds in the end.

(thanks Hoop Skills)

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