Monday, September 20, 2010


Every team has a reputation and is known for something.  When people ask about a team, they typically hear stuff like "They're a great defensive team... they suck... they'll press you... they're aggressive" the list can go on and on.  Have you ever thought about it and wondered what is YOUR team's reputation?

Now break it down even further... every player has a reputation and is known for something.  Ask someone to describe a player's game and you'll probably hear stuff like "Unbelievably quick... they're lazy... they're slow... great shooter... smart player... great passer... they're cocky... boxes out every time" and that list can go on and on as well.  Have you ever thought about it and wondered how others describe YOUR game?

The best way to get the reputation YOU want to have is for YOU to CREATE it by DOING the things well that you want people to recognize you for.


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