Monday, September 6, 2010


The first step to success, before anybody else in the world beleieves it... is that YOU have to believe it. You have to believe that there's no reason to have a Plan B because that just distracts from Plan A.

Being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity. Why would you be realistic? What's the point of being realistic? It is unrealsitic to walk into a dark room and flip a switch on the wall and expect lights come on and light up that room. Forunately Thomas Edison didn't think it was unrealistic.

It's unrealistic to think you can bend some metal into a shape and fly people over the ocean in that shape... that's unrealistic. But fortunately the Wright Brothers and others didn't think it was unrealistic. It's ridiculous to embrace an idea that something is actually unrealistic.

The moment YOU decide that whatever it is you want to achieve is already done... it WILL happen.

(Thanks Will Smith)

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