Tuesday, August 24, 2010


When leading a team, whether you are the coach or a team captain, you must make some very difficult decisions regarding how you lead your team. Although I think we should ALWAYS attempt to lead everyone, there are times when doing so will wear us down and we will experience discouragement.

When that happens, step away and refocus your efforts on those that really matter.

Lead the believers - Concentrate on the people who share the same passion as you. These are your believers, the one's who are committed and a desire to do whatever it takes to succeed. Most of your focus must go into channeling their energy and passion, your believers are the most valuable people on the team. They determine the ultimate success of the team.

Convert the Receptive - For the most part, this is the position of most of the people. This is your middle class. Convert who you can by being authentic and genuine. Turn the "receptive" into "believers."

Forget the Non-Believers - You choose who you lead, don't waste the majority of your time on non-believers. Let them go. This can present a problem to most leaders because we think we can convert anyone if they just listen. The hard truth is, that's not true. You must learn that there are people that choose either not to buy into the vision or they just don't care. Don't get me wrong, you still try and lead them, but don’t make them your top priority and allow them to quench your fire and of the fire of those that are earnestly running for the prize.

The more time you put into the "non-believers" the less time you have for the people who actually care about the success of the team. It’s not “ignore the non-believers,” it’s just more productive to pour the majority of your energy and efforts into those that see the vision and actually want to reach the goal.

(Thanks Danny)

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