Monday, August 9, 2010


We all do it.

There is such a thing as basketball busy work and unfortunately we are all guilty of it, especially in the summer.

Busy work is a term for work or assignments that are felt to be time consuming, but in reality, not very useful.

Examples of basketball busy work:

1.) We “shoot around” our driveway for 25 min but nothing is at game speed or game situational, it’s just “shooting around”

2.) We head into the weight room and do a few things without intensity and or a plan to guide us. We usually end up at the water fountain more times than not.

3.) We play AAU on the weekends and feel like we are doing the right things for our careers but if that is all you are doing, then its just busy work. The best way to utilize your AAU games is to practice and prepare days before, just playing games on the weekends will not make you better.

4.) Play pick up games with our friends instead of train. We head to the courts with all the intentions of training hard, but we get roped into playing pick up games with players who really aren’t that good and we miss out on getting better. Hold off on the pick up games until you put your work in.

5.) We buy things that we “think” will enhance our career. Spending time researching the best “dribbling goggles” when we could’ve been studying film. Goggles vs Learning, which one do you think brings more value?

Our time is precious and if we spend most of it on “busy work” then we will never see the results we want. I’ll take 1 hour of you doing the “right work” over 3 hours of busy work any day.

(Thanks iAthletes)

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