Wednesday, August 4, 2010


What if you knew that no matter what you did on the court, that you couldn’t fail? Would that change your mindset towards trying to achieve that thing? Would you approach it with a sense of confidence that you never had before? The answer is probably YES!!!

Unfortunately, the fear of failure holds so many people back from achieving the greatness they were destined for. I want you to look at failure completely different from the way you look at it now. I want you to look at failure as just an outcome. If you don’t get the outcome you are looking for then you just change your approach and try again until you get the outcome you are looking for.

Look at failure as your friend, because you learn from your failures. Henry Ford said, “Win or learn, there is no failure.” Use failure as a stepping stone and not a stumbling block. Each failure is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently. Each failure gets you closer to achieving the results that you desire. Failure is only bad when you accept it as your final outcome.

What if... you attack that one thing again, but this time... know that failure will help you get better?

(Thanks Hooman)

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