Friday, August 13, 2010


Coach Don Meyer is currently the winningest coach in any division in NCAA history.

"Greatness is more than potential. It is the execution of that potential beyond the raw talent. You need the appropriate training."

"There are 3 people who must have a great practice everyday for the Team. They are the best player, the point guard, and the head coach."

"It is not enough to know that we are going to win a game, we must know how we are going to win the game."

"The mark of a Team's maturity is their ability to concentrate. Great Teams and Players have an ability to concentrate."

"On a great team your best player must be your hardest worker."

"Offense is all about spacing, angles, and momentum."

"See the shot, feel the shot, TRUST the shot."

"He either can't or he won't, and it doesn't matter which."

"A great guard is measured by how quickly they can go from a dribble to a pass, or a dribble to a shot."

"There comes a time when winter asks what you have done all summer."

(Thanks Coach Meyer)

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