Tuesday, August 31, 2010


What would it mean to your future if you improved 1% every single day?

Wake up everyday and ask yourself: what is one thing I can improve by 1% today?

Now multiply that by 365 and see what you get. The point I am trying to make is that if you take baby steps and focus on today and not tomorrow and concentrate on improving as little as 1% each day, your day will be a great day.

Is this a sustainable goal? I think so! 1% is not asking for too much is it Just 1%?

You might ask how would I measure this? Measure it in shots made and did it take you less shot attempts to get there? Or passing accuracy, how many times did you hit the square on the wall, did it take you less attempts then last time? Or ball handling mistakes, did you have less "mis-handles" then last time?

(Thanks iAthletes)

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