Sunday, November 22, 2009


If you want to achieve greatness, stretching your ability is something you will have to get comfortable with.

Remember, you can achieve anything you desire if you truly believe that you can achieve the outcome that you desire. You will have to challenge yourself because you are trying to achieve something that is outside of your current abilities.

Achieving greatness is never going to be easy to achieve. In fact, it might be one of the most difficult challenges of your life. You have to be prepared to for a struggle. You have to be committed to your success. If you are thinking of failure even being a possibility, you are destined to fail.

If you believe that success is your only option, you will succeed.

Challenge yourself today to achieve something that is outside of your current abilities. Get excited about your goals. Get excited about your life. Live with passion and urgency.

(thanks Hooman Hamzehloui)

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