Monday, November 2, 2009

THE 17 Essentail Qualities of a TEAM Player

1. Adaptable: If you won’t change for the team, should the Team change for you?

2. Collaborative: Working together must come before winning together.

3. Committed: There are no half-hearted champions.

4. Communicative: A TEAM is a single heart with many voices.

5. Competent: If you refuse to accept “I can’t”, your team won’t accept it either.

6. Dependable: Teams trust their “go-to” players.

7. Disciplined: Where there’s a will, there is always a win.

8. Enlarging: Adding value to teammates is invaluable.

9. Enthusiastic: Your heart is the source of energy for the team.

10. Intentional: Make every action count.

11. Mission conscious: You understand the (big) picture loud and clear.

12. Prepared: Preparation is the difference between winning and losing.

13. Relational: If you get along and reach out, others will as well.

14. Self-improving: To improve the team, improve yourself.

15. Selfless: There is no “I” in TEAM.

16. Solution-oriented: Make a resolution to find the solution.

17. Tenacious: Never, never, never quit.

- John Maxwell
(thanks coach Starkey)

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