Saturday, July 18, 2009

Are you giving energy or taking energy?

One of the biggest pet-peeves for most coaches is when a player shows up for practice and isn’t mentally prepared to be there.

Do you have a player on your team that casually strolls into the gym two-minutes before practice is scheduled to start? Then they have to put their shoes on, or put a brace on, or maybe have to go to the restroom while everyone else is stretching or getting started? Or maybe have a teammate that isn't focused on why they're at practice (to improve their game) and tends to play around a lot?

Every player at every practice either gives energy or takes energy from their teams practice. Come in absolutely ready to practice, condition, etc. with a mindset focused on preparation and improvement. That means no cell phone, not finishing meals, or any other last minute stuff.

Whatever time practice is scheduled to begin, be ready to start at that very moment, not five minutes later. If you need to get a drink… arrive early and buy it. If you need to go to the restroom… arrive early take care of your business. If you need to put your brace on… arrive early and put it on. If you want to socialize with your teammates for a few minutes… arrive early and talk away. But when it's time for practice, let your mind be focused on that and nothing else. Coming in and being mentally unprepared is stealing precious practice time from your coach and from your teammates.

Are you giving energy or taking energy?


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