Saturday, March 20, 2010


Poise is an emotional peace which is seemingly inconsistent with the challenge at hand. Poise is developed over time rather than learned. Poise allows practice to render the expected results. Poise is nearly invisible at its strongest, but obvious to all when absent.

Poise does not improve our physical skill, but rather is the state of mind with which the performance is rendered. Poise is understood by few. Poise is leased by many, but owned by none. Poise is relative. Everybody has a little, but few have enough.

Poise is not always passive. Poise is ready to fight, but always within the rules. Poise allows us the ability to remain focused on our objective rather than aimlessly gazing at distractions. As out temptation to become distracted intensifies, out needed amount of poise increases.

It impossible to have too much poise.


(Thanks Coaching Toolbox)

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