Saturday, December 11, 2010


I was driving on a very dangerous two-lane highway in India. More than eight hours of death-defying horror... Our driver aggressively tailgated whatever car, truck or horse was in front of us, and then passed as soon as he was able (and sometimes when he wasn't). What amazed me, though, was what he did during those rare times when there wasn't a car in front of us, just open road.

He didn't speed up. In fact, it seemed as though he slowed down.  He was comfortable with the competitive nature of passing (I may not be fast, but I'm faster than you), and he was petrified of the open road and the act of choosing his own speed.

Are you doing the same things with your playing or coaching career? Most of us need competition to tell us how fast to go.

(Thanks Seth Godin)

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