Sunday, February 21, 2010


We should never let the other team determine who we are.

General George Custer overestimated and General George McClellan underestimated their opponents. You cannot let the other team allow you to forget who we are. We will not win or lose or have success based on what the other team is. We will have success based on what our team is.

Teamwork and belief in our abilities is a funny thing. And that belief or identity is based on chemistry and confidence which is a very delicate thing on a team. You can have the fastest car in the world, but if you have a flat tire, you are not going anywhere.

On the court, we can’t develop leadership if the coach is doing all the leading. The players have to play and the coaches have to coach, but the coach can’t continually tell the players what to do, there have to be leaders that step up from among the players and set the example for others to follow.

I want to give the players ownership of the team by allowing them to make certain decisions on our team, yet those decisions must be tempered with leadership. It's not about what color shirt or hoodie we wear, or how we wear our hair or what we write on our shoes. It's about the standards we set for ourselves and who we want to be.

To be a leader on our team, you have to affect someone else on the team. You have to cause them to play better by the way you play. You have to cause them to lead better by the way you lead through your character and attitude.

To be a great player, you have to affect your entire team. If you are a great player, every player on that team plays better because you are on the court.

That is the way it works and that is the way it has to be. Know who we want to be... and who we don't want to be.


(Thanks Nick Saban)

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