Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh Lord...please send us some help!

With the last practice of the season wrapped up, the only thing left to do now is to wait. With the exception of Sheff, Heather and Lea (who have All-Star "duty" this weekend)the rest of the team will get two or three days of much needed rest before going into the Nationals tournament.

After watching Chelsea try and practice on Thursday night, odds are that she will likely not dress out for the tournament. In addition, Heather is still feeling the effects of the flu (conditioning) and now Hilliary & Jess are both getting sick. I feel like we need to hire a team doctor just to get through the last week of the season!

But all things are happening just as God has planned it. We should always remember that nothing happens to God's own without it first going before the throne for His approval. We may not fully understand the "why" behind the things that happen, but we do know that it is to serve His purpose in the end.


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