Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Take Higher Percentage Shots
All basketball coaches love having a good shooter on their team.  The way to instantly improve your shooting percentage is to eliminate any shots that are difficult to make.  If that seems simple, it is.  It’s amazing how an athlete can appear to be a good (or better) shooter when they stop taking shots that they don’t make very often.

I’ll give you three keys that you should use to evaluate each shot: Was your shot on balance?  Within range?  And, in rhythm?  If the answer is ‘no’ to any of these questions, it was an shot attempt that will not only make you a less efficient shooter, but also, in the eyes of your coach and teammates, make them lose confidence in you.  Earn your coach’s trust through your shot selection.

It’s been said that “it doesn’t matter how beautiful a swing a baseball player has; if they always swing at bad pitches, their batting average will be embarrassingly low.”  The same applies in basketball.  It doesn’t matter how sweet your stroke looks if you constantly shoot poor shots.  Eliminating poor shots a game can increase your shooting percentage significantly.  Good coaches love that.

(Thanks Tyler Coston, PGC)

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