Wednesday, November 10, 2010


According to renowned Italian and EuroLeague coach, Renato Pasquali, passing is a relationship formed with others. When you do not pass to an open teammate, you are sending them a message: "I did not trust you with our team's advantage."
Here's a look at the different types of passes and what message they send:

NO PASS = No relationship. I don't trust you to do the right thing with the ball.
FORCED PASS = A forced relationship. It is never completed or never whole.
DIRTY PASS = A pass made after holding onto the ball for a long time. It's an afterthought that says, "I've exhausted all other options and my time with the ball. Here... take what's left."
CLEAN PASS = A pass made on time and on target. This pass builds a relationship of trust. It says: "I'm thinking about you and what's needed for the team (in this moment).

It's important to develop an understanding in players that when you do make a pass to a teammate, a sense of trust develops.

(Thanks Sefu Bernard, the LLaBB)

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