Sunday, June 6, 2010


Some players think being a great team leader is about who has the best stats and the best game... I totally disagree.

Being a great leader is more about serving your teammates than being a great player. Great leaders understand that and routinely ask themselves questions such as... Do my actions serve the group? Do my actions create value for my basketball team? Do my action take away from or diminish the value of my team?

Although point guards typically hold the title of "Unofficial Leader" on most basketball teams, true leaders are the players that find a way to create value for their team both on and off the court. The more talented and skilled you are in creating ways to make your teammates better, the more value you add to your team. Think of it like this: “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.” Do you provide value to your team or do you take from and expect of your teammates?

You can be that leader...

(Thanks Lindsey Finnelly)

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