Monday, June 29, 2009


In the 2008 Super Bowl Michael Strahan stood on the sideline in the fourth quarter, addressing his New York Giants football team, "The final score of this game is 17-14. Believe that and it will happen." They were losing 14-10 at the time. He inspired the team enough that they believed him because 17-14 was the final score and his New York Giants won.

So we see here that three steps make up doing the impossible: (1) think it, (2) act it and finally, (3) speak it - because the words become reality. You can literally speak something into existence!

To speak it, a person needs to have courage and boldness and maybe even to be a little cocky. Your tongue is the pen that you are going to use to write to the tablet of your heart - and on the heart of others. When you speak it, the vision becomes established like dry ink.

- Kevin Elko

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