Friday, March 27, 2009

Embracing Change When Change is Necessary

What we are afraid of is very rarely as bad as what we initially imagine.  The fear we build up in our mind is often far worse than the situation that actually exists.

With that said, few people actually understand that.  They have their set beliefs and behaviors, and cannot (or will not) embrace change. And as a result they can easily become stagnant.

Embracing the change that is necessary doesn’t have to be a scary thing.  For instance, if you want to go from being an average shooter to being a great shooter, it may involve far more than a little “tweaking” of your shot.  You may have to totally abandon your existing shot and rebuild it from scratch.  The obvious fear is that if you abandon your current way of doing things, you will actually be going backwards and having to start all over again.

We take comfort and reassurance with what is familiar, and change at any level can be unsettling.  Big change can be really scary, unless we are willing to change our attitude towards it and eagerly embrace it.

To use an old baseball saying... "you can never steal 2nd base if you refuse to leave 1st base."


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