Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Kicks for Your Dogs

There's not much on the horizon when it comes to a decent pair of kicks before the season starts. Both Nike & Jordan have a couple of pairs scheduled for release, but nothing great. I think most of what will be available is more show than go, but you can decide that. Hibbets & Footlocker at the Mall both have the XX3's and the Hyperdunk is scheduled for release on July 28th (which also happens to be Coach Ty's fav) . Other than those two...there's not much to choose from. I must admit, the royal & black J's shown here do look sweet, but they are not a signature model (meaning they aren't even close to the quality shoe you've been wearing - think Duncan's). Another option is the XX2's again. There are still plenty available and the price will probably drop to around $60-$80 or so.

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